Apps and Projects

Over the time, I spent quite some time building different apps and projects. Here is the list of the one that became something.

  • Lighthouse is a webapp written in Swift to test universal link configuration.
  • Driiing, a running companion app to signal runners coming to pedestrians.
  • Appy, an iOS app that takes helps you quit your bad habit.
  • Square is an resizing tool for app icons written in Rust.
  • Japan Direct, an itinerary app for iOS to visit Japan like a local.
  • Reversi is a micro-framework written in Swift to make AB testing easy in iOS.
  • I got chance to build a visual search app during hackathon based on TensorFlow and Keras which got 2nd prize.
  • Kronos is a pace converter app for runners.
  • Election 2017 was an iOS app to follow polls for National French Election 2017.
  • BPSauceLabsScript is a small script to for Xcode to automatically upload your app to SauceLabs.
  • string2csv is a small script to convert Android localization scripts to CSV format.
  • Ambimac was a IoT app for a hackathon, streaming colors to light bulbs based on what you are watching.
  • Cocktail Maker was an IoT project for one of my first hackathon, connecting an iOS app to a hacked cooking scale in Bluetooth. This project won first prize.
  • Majordhome was a startup weekend project, an IoT voice assistant to connect your home devices.
  • iJump was one of my first iOS project back in 2013, a weather app dedicated to skydivers.
  • Quel-camping is probably my very first project, started in 2012, it aimed to be a booking platform for campers.
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Benoit Pasquier

Software Engineer πŸ‡«πŸ‡·, writing about career development, mobile engineering and self-improvement

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