I have been interested in analytics tools for a while, especially when it’s applied to mobile development. Over the time, I saw many code mistakes when implementing an analytical solution. Some of them can be easily avoided when developer got the right insights, let’s see how.

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I have been a bit more quite for the past couple weeks to take a break of my weekly routine of blogging. It’s not because I was lazy, but I wanted to take time to digest WWDC. At the same time I had other running projects, one was my first talk at an iOS meetup. Here is couple tips I would have love to hear earlier.

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I have been recently asked to review an iOS application to see how healthy was the code base, if it follows the best practices and how easy it would be to add new features to it. If I review some code on daily basis for small pull requests, analyzing one whole app at once is quite different exercise. Here is some guidelines to help doing that analysis.

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Benoit Pasquier

Software Engineer 🇫🇷, writing about career development, mobile engineering and self-improvement

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