During WWDC2015, Apple announced big stuff, but they also released awesome features for developers. One of them was dedicated to UI Testing. Working around UI Automation test, I’ve just discovered last Xcode 7 and how life is going to be easier with their last feature for that.
Recently I worked on a small iOS mobile project around Javascript. I wanted to load web content from iOS with Javascript inside and get callbacks from Javascript into iOS, to save native data and transmit it to an other controller if needed. The second part was also to call Javascript methods from iOS part.
Philips created few years ago Ambilight, a TV with a dynamic lights on it back. With two friends, we wanted to design an app with a similar function based on connected light bulb during an hackathon. Here is what we have done in 24h hours of code, let’s meet AmbiMac.
HealthKit is a powerful tool if you want to create an iOS mobile app based on health data. However, it’s not only for body measurements, fitness or nutrition; it’s also sleep analysis. In this HealthKit tutorial, I will show you how to read and write some sleep data and save them in Health app.
UPDATE - April 2020: Originally written for Swift 1.0, then 2.0, I’ve updated this post for latest Swift 5.1 version and Xcode 11.3.
I work with CodeIgniter almost exclusively on API, but sometimes it can help on short-lived websites. Rewrite url is a good thing to know if you want to optimize SEO for your key pages of a website. That’s what I want to show you and how it’s easy to set it up.
Pour la fin de mes études, j’ai choisi de rédiger mon mémoire sur les objets connectés et plus précisément sur le développement de services numériques autour de ces objets. Ce travail de fond m’a permis de prendre du recul sur mon travail mais c’était aussi l’occasion de trouver une définition de ce qu’est un développeur d’objet connecté.
En Octobre dernier, j’avais travaillé sur le cocktailMaker, un objet connecté facilitant la création de cocktails. Voulant pousser le concept un peu plus loin, je me suis inscrit au startup weekend de Novembre organisé à l’EM Lyon pour découvrir les aspects marketing et business qui me manque aujourd’hui. Retour sur ces 54h de travail acharné.