Starting 2017, I decided that this year would be mine. It doesn’t mean everything would be given, but I would stay open to new opportunities and stay actor of my life, be what I want to be. Half way, here is time for reflection.
Configuring a continuous integration can be tricky for mobile apps. Let’s see how quick it is to build an Android app with Bitbucket Pipeline and deliver it with App Center app (ex HockeyApp).
Recently, I got a reminder that my domain name and shared host would eventually expire this summer. I always had a WordPress for my website and thought it was time to move on for something easier to maintain. Here is how I managed to migrate my WordPress blog to a static website with Hugo on AWS.
This year, I finally signed up for a marathon and the way I use running apps and their services have clearly changed. Giving the best user experience around those services is essential to make the app useful. Here is my feedback as a mobile developer during my last 10 weeks training.
Technology has never been as important as today in politics. Everything is related to numeric data. If we only analyze news around US elections in 2016, it was mostly about email hacks, fake news in daily news feed, or online surveys. Concerned about French elections 2017, I wanted to be a bit more active and do something related the last one: to online surveys.
In my current role at Qudini, I started as an iOS developer. My main task was to create and improve our mobile products for iOS devices based on what was already done on Android. However I wanted to be more efficient in my job and I thought it could be by impacting more users through Android development. Once our iOS apps were at the same level as the Android one, I push the idea that it would be better I start doing Android too. Here is my feedback after 6 months developing on Android.
Recently, I got the chance to integrate feature flags into a mobile app I work on. The idea of feature flag is simple, it lets you enable and manage features in your mobile app remotely without requiring a new release. Let see the benefice of it and how integrate a feature flag solution like Apptimize’s one.