A question that comes back often when using Coordinator pattern in iOS development is how to pass data between views. Today I’ll share different approaches for a same solution, regardless if you are using MVVM, MVC or other architectural design pattern.
After weeks experimenting different patterns and code structures, I wanted to go further in functional reactive programming and see how to take advantage of it while following Coordinator pattern. This post describes how integrate RxSwift with Coordinator pattern and which mistakes to avoid.
After introducing how to implement Coordinator pattern with an MVVM structure, it feels natural for me to go further and cover some of the blank spots of Coordinator and how to fix along the way.
After some times creating different iOS apps following an MVVM pattern, I’m often not sure how to implement the navigation. If the View handles the rendering and user’s interactions and the ViewModel the service or business logic, where does the navigation sit? That’s where Coordinator pattern takes place.